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Why I don’t blog (any)more.

I have taken the hint from my friend Andrew, who has entitled his NCAA tournament bracket “Taylor is Alive!”.  Yes, in fact, I am alive and even as I am typing these words, I am thinking to myself, “I really enjoy this, I should blog more often.”  However, the truth is, I usually feel like I just don’t have that much stuff to write about.  I mean, if anything, my life might actually be more boring now than it was in Atlanta.

In Atlanta, I succeeded in having a life, and a very-overly-programmed one at that, outside of school.  Here, I live and work in the same neighborhood, spend an overwhelming majority of my time outside of my school either with my coworkers or trying to get my puppy to stop sniffing in the trash can.  Since most of my coworkers are American, I am afraid that my blog might take on a normal, maybe even dare I say spinsterish, tone.  For example, “You wouldn’t believe those kids today.  Not ONE did their homework.”  I don’t even like hearing about that at the lunch table (which is partly the reason why I sit with the Bolivians at lunch – they could be talking about that, and I can just shut my brain off and innocently not listen).    As sad as it may seem, that, friends, has started to become my life.  What have I become?  Even as I sit here, my bag is nudging my laptop, full of essays waiting to be graded.  That’s my St. Pedro’s Day night.

Alas, it is not such a bad thing at times, though.  I don’t have to be worried about double booking meeting up for lattes or party hopping to appease competing rings of friends.  My plans are my plans, even if I don’t have any.  It is completely reasonable to call someone up at 9:00 on a Friday and go out for beverages.  They are probably not doing anything.

I’d be lying if I said I loved having so much downtime that I reload every 20 minutes and have watched season 5 of the office twice (as well as every other TV series I have on DVD – note to self, go to the pirated DVD store this weekend), but when you look back and reflect on it, at least I have time to really spend time with friends.  My dog almost always gets walked.  My girlfriend doesn’t feel like she needs to compete for time with me.  These sort of things probably wouldn’t happen nearly as much in Atlanta.   For that, I find value in this skim milk version of life.

About taylorinbolivia

I am living in Santa Cruz, Bolivia for the foreseeable future. I don't really like cats.

One response to “Why I don’t blog (any)more.

  1. jillianstravels ⋅

    I hate that we didn’t get to have a Skype date this weekend. I am glad to read your blog and know that you are indeed alive and well, albeit boring and uninteresting. Atlanta misses you, whether you miss our busy lifestyles or not!

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